Fides Translation

From the Prefatory Note: The Fides translation of the Psalms has been made in accordance with the New Roman Psalter. Its special purpose is to provide a clear, modern translation that gives due attention to the requirements not only of individual reading, but also of recitation aloud and of singing.

The introduction and notes are by a layman, for the guidance of other laymen who have tried to pray the Psalms and found it difficult, or who have never tried it at all. The material has been gathered from the teaching and writings of men learned in Holy Scripture, in order to Answer the questions that usually arise in the mind of ordinary Catholics when they try to appreciate the Psalms and use them in their prayers.

For sample verses from the Fides Translation, click here


Title: The Psalms Fides Translation Introduction and notes by Mary Perkins Ryan
Date: 1955
Publisher: Fides Publishers Association: Chicago
Contents: Psalms
References: Chamberlin 337-1, Taliaferro CN00420.
Images: Jacket, Cover, Title page


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