Elberfelder Bibel • New American Standard ´95

Title: Elberfelder Bibel ✤ New American Standard Bible NASB [´95] • Deutsch | Englisch
Date: ⓒ 2010. 2. Auflage 2012 •• Elberfelder Bibel ⓒ 1985 /1991/2006
NASB [´95] ⓒ 1960, 1962,1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1995
Publisher: Witten/ Ruhr (Germany): SCM R. Brockhaus im SCM Verlag
Contents: CB
Language: German and English
Images: (to follow)

Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardbound octavo, sewn binding; X, (2), 2219 & [11 empty] pp. Scripture text in double column, German and English per page. Footnotes or cross–references of the original editions are not included.
There are Prefaces to both translations, especially written for the reader of this bilingual edition. The histories of the Elberfelder and the NASB are briefly told. For the Elberfelder the essential facts are described:
»The Elberfelder Bibel was first produced in the middle of the 19th century and has been revised several times since – the most recent revision was accomplished in 2006. (…) The Elberfelder Bibel is a Bible translation that has its roots within the so–called Brethren Movement – a free church movement that since its inception in the 19th century has spread from England through Europe and the far reaches of the world. (…)«

The Elberfelder Bibel is one of the most precise German translations and used mainly by conservative Evangelical/ Free Church Christians; it is a word–for–word rendering and not one of the dynamic–equivalent sort; as such it has the same high reading level that the NASB provides for the English reader. (For the German »Elberfelder Bibel – Brockhaus Revision« see http://www.bibelpedia.com/index.php?title=Elberfelder_Bibel,_Brockhaus_Rev.

Interestingly it is not mentioned in the preface that the pre– 1985 editions (1975 for the NT & Pss) have an English equivalent: the translation made by John Nelson Darby. Darby also contributed to the production of this German Version. information

The Elberfelder Bibel substituted the Tetragrammaton »JHWH« with »Jehova« from the publication of the OT (1871) until the Brockhaus– revision (OT & NT) was released in 1985. So it was the preferred translation of the German– speaking Jehovah´s Witnesses until their own complete Bible translation came out in 1971.

The New Testament portion of the »ELB« was first published 1855 in Elberfeld, today the central part of the city of Wuppertal, east of Düsseldorf, in the lower Rhineland. Hence the designation »Elberfelder Bibel«, which it officially bears from 1975 onwards with the publication of the Revised Edition NT & Pss.


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