Douay-Rheims Facsimile Editions

A pdf facsimile of the 1609 Old Testament is available at Volume 1, Volume 2.


Title: The | Nevv Testament | of Iesvs Christ, trans- | lated faithfvlly into English, | out of the authentical Latin according to the best cor- | rected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith | the Greeke and other editions of diuers languages; Vvith | Argvments of bookes and chapters, Annota- | tions, and other necessarie helps, for the better vnder- | standing of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the | Corrvptions of diuers late translations, and for | cleering the Controversies in religion, of these daies: | In the English College of Rhemes. | Printed at Rhemes, | by Iohn Fogny | 1582 | Cvm Privilegio
Date: 1582 (facsimile 1987)
Publisher: Gordon Winrod: Gainesville, MO.
Contents: New Testament
References: Chamberlin p. 9-2; Herbert 177
Images: Title page
Comments: This is a facsimile of the 1582 Rheims New Testament. It is reduced 10% in size.
Recent Sales A copy of the full three volume set (also see entries below) sold for $240 on Ebay November 22, 2011 (Ebay Number 200678011816).


Title: The | Holy Bible | faithfvlly translated | into English ovt of | the authentical Latin, diligently | conferred with the Hebrew, | Greek, and other Editions in | diuers languages: | With Arguments of the Bookes and Chapters, Annotations, | Tables, and other helps, for better vnderstanding of the text: | for discouerie of Corruptions in some late translations: | and for clearing Controuersies in Religion. | By the English College of Dovvay. | Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Saluatoris. Isaiae 12. | You shal draw waters in joy out of the Sauiours fountaines. | (seal) | Printed by Iohn Covstvrier. | Permissv Svperiorvm. | M. DC. XXXV.
Date: 1635 (facsimile 1987)
Publisher: Gordon Winrod: Gainesville, MO.
Contents: Volume 1: Genesis - Job
References: Chamberlin p. 9-2; Herbert 499
Comments: This volumes is a facsimile reprint of volume one of the second edition of the Douay Old Testament printed at Rouen in 1635. The first edition was printed in Douay in 1609 and 1610.
Images: Title page


Title: The Second Tome of the| Holie Bible | faithfvlly trans- |lated into English, | ovt of the authentical | Latin. | Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and | other Editions in diuers languages. | With Arguments of the Bookes and Chapters, | Annotations, Tables, and other helps, for | better vnderstanding of the text: for discouerie of Corrup- | tions in some late translations: and for clearing Con- | trouersies in Religion. | By the English College of Dovvay. | Spiritu sancto inspirati, locunt sancti Dei homines 2. Pet. I. | The holie men of God spake, inspired with the Holie Ghost. | (seal) | Printed by Iohn Covstvrier. | M. DC. XXXV.
Date: 1635 (facsimile 1987)
Publisher: Gordon Winrod: Gainesville, MO.
Contents: Volume 2: Psalms - 4 Esdras
References: Chamberlin p. 9-2; Herbert 499
Comments: This volumes is a facsimile reprint of volume two the second edition of the Douay Old Testament printed at Rouen in 1635. The first edition was printed in Douay in 1609 and 1610.
Images: Title page


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