Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date None; Copyrights dated 1948-1952 on various copies.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments The first of a long series by this publisher that would ultimately phase in by sections the new Confraternity translation of the Old Testament.
Link to reprints of the Catholic Book Publishing Company Octavo
Title New Catholic Edition / The Holy Bible / Old Testament / Douay Version with Psalms from / the New Latin Version Authorized by / Pope Pius XII / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / with the Encyclical Letter "On the Study of the Holy / Scriptures" by Pope Leo XIII; also a Presentation of the / Essence of the Encyclical Letter "On Biblical Studies" / by Pope Pius XII; and a Preface by Rev. William H. / McClellan, S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland / Also an Appendix containing an Historical and / Chronological Index, a Table of References and Maps / Benziger Brothers, Inc. / New York Boston Cincinnati Chicago San Francisco / 1950
Date 1950.
Publisher Benziger Brothers,Inc., New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HILLS 2487, POPE 744/6
Link to reprints of the Benziger Brothers Octavo
Title The / Holy Bible / Old Testament in the Douay-Challoner Text / New Testament and Psalms in the Confraternity Text / Edited by / Reverend John P. O'Connell / M.A., S.T.D. / With Illustrations by / James Joseph Jacques Tissot / Published with the Approbation of / His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch / Archbishop of Chicago / The Catholic Press, Inc. / Chicago: Illinois
Date Undated; Copyright 1950.
Publisher The Catholic Press, Inc., Chicago
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HERBERT 2297, HILLS 2483, POPE 744/4
Title The / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate, with Annotations, References, / and an Historical and Chronological Table / the Douay Version of / The Old Testament / First Published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 / the Confraternity Edition of / the New Testament / A Revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic Scholars / under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee of the / Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / New York / P. J. Kenedy & Sons / Printers to the Holy See
Date Undated; Copyright 1950.
Publisher P. J. Kenedy & Sons, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References POPE 745/5
Title The / Holy / Bible / Holy /Trinity / Edition / Edited by / Reverend John P. O'Connell / M.A.,. S.T.D. / Published / with the Approbation of / Samuel Cardinal Stritch / Archbishop of Chicago / The Catholic Press, Inc. / Chicago, Illinois
Dare Undated, Copyright 1951
Publisher The Catholic Press, Inc., Chicago
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner with the Psalms in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HILLS 2499
Title The / Holy Bible / Catholic Action Edition / Confraternity Text / Genesis to Ruth, Psalms, New Testament / Douay - Challoner Text / Remaining Books of the Old Testament / Edited by / Reverend Paul John Bradley, Obl.S.B., M.A.(Oxon.) / Professor of Philosophy and Classics, Belmont Abbey College / Published with the Appobation of / His Excellency Vincent George Taylor, O.S.B., D.D., LL.D. / Abbott - Ordinary, Diocese of Belmont Abbey Nullius / Gastonia, North Carolina / Good Will Publishers, Inc.
Date Undated; Copyright 1953.
Publisher Good Will Publishers, Inc., Gastonia, N. C.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and the Psalms in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HERBERT 2308, HILLS 2522
Title Catholic Family Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The First Eight Books and the Book of Psalms / from the Old Testament and the Entire / New Testament Are in the / Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Text / the Remaining Books Are in the / Challoner - Douay / Text / John J. Crawley & Co., Inc. / New
Date Undated; Copyright 1953.
Publisher John J. Crawley & Co., Inc., New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and the Psalms in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HILLS 2524
Title The Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / the Old Testament / Douay Version / Genesis to Ruth and the Book of Psalms / Translated from the Original Languages with Critical Use of / All the Ancient Sources by Members of the Catholic / Biblical Association of America / and / the New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christial Doctrine / Apostolate of the Press / Alexandria - Boston - Buffalo - New York / San Antonio - Youngstown
Date Undated; Copyright on title verso 1954 or 1955.
Publisher Apostolate of the Press, Alexandria, Boston, Buffalo, New York, San Antonio, and Youngstown
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and the Psalms in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References HILLS 2549
Title The / Holy Bible /Containing the Old and New / Testaments in Confraternity / and Douay Texts / Abradale Press Publishers New York
Date Undated; Copyright 1959.
Publisher Abradale Press, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title New American Catholic Edition / The / Holy Bible / With the Pronouncement of / Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius XII / on the Study of the Scriptures / The Old Testament is the New Confraternity of / Christian Doctrine translation for the Books of Genesis / to Ruth and the Books of Job to Sirach; the remaining / Books Are the Douay Version. / The New Testament is the Confraternity of / Christian Doctrine translation. / J. J. Little & Ives Co., Inc. / New York and Toronto / 1960
Date 1960.
Publisher J. J. Little & Ives Co., Inc., New York and Toronto
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title The / Holy Bible / Catholic Action Edition / with the Confraternity Text / Published with the Approbation of / His Excellency Walter A. Coggin, O.S.B., Ph.D., D.D. / Abbott-Ordinary, Diocese of Belmont Abbey Nullius / Good Will Publishers, Inc. / Gastonia, North Carolina
Date Undated; Copyright 1961.
Publisher Good Will Publishers, Inc., Gastonia, North Carolina
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title The / Holy Bible / Illustrated with Masterpieces / of Religious Art and Containing Numerous / Bible Study Helps / The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / Text Is Used in the Old Testament Books Genesis through / Ruth and Job through Sirach, and in the New Testament. / The Remaining Books Are From the Douay-Challoner Text. / This Edition Prepared by Religious and Biblical Scholars under / the Editorial Direction of Howard E. Reichardt, M.A. / With a Foreword by Rev. John A. O'Brien / Ph.D, Ll.D / Published with the Approbation of / His Excellency Albert Cardinal Meyer / Archbishop of Chicago / Catholic Bible Publishers / Chicago 5, Illinois
Date 1961
Publisher Catholic Bible Publishers, Chicago
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title The Holy Bible / with Annotations, References, Maps and / a Historical and Chronological Table / the Old Testament / Douay Version / and / the New Testament / Confraternity Version / First Published by the English College at Douay, 1609; / New Testament Revised and Edited by Catholic Scholars / under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee of the / Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Publishers Company, Inc. / Washington, D. C.
Date Undated; Imprimatur dated 1963
Publisher Publishers Company, Inc., Washington, D. C.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title Holy Bible / Containing Both the Old and New Testaments / the Old Testament / The New Confraternity translation of the First Eight Books, the Seven Sapiential Books, and the / Eighteen Prophetic Books. The Balance is in the Douay Version / the New Testament / All Books in the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Version in Current Usage. / Catholic Edition / Beautifully Illustrated with Many of the / World's Most Cherished Paintings / Omega Publishing House / P. O. Box 47, Nashville, Tennessee 37202
Date Undated; Copyright 1969
Publisher Omega Publishing House, Nashville
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner, with Genesis through Ruth, Job through Sirach and Isaiah - Malachi in the Confraternity Version; and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
References None
Title: The / Old Testament / of the Holy Bible/ With introductions and commentaries by / Reverend Joseph A. Grispino, S.M., S.S.L. / The Text is the new translation sponsored by the Episcopal Committee of the / Confraternity of / Christian Doctrine / for the Books of Genesis to Ruth, Job to Sirach, /and the Prophetical Books. / The Books of Kings to Esther, and 1, 2 Machabees / are from the Douay Version.
Date: Copyright 1952, 1955. © Guild Press 1965. Imprimatur 1964
Publisher New York, NY (U.S.A): Guild Press. An Angelus Book
Contents: Douay Old Testament, partly revised by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Introductions, extensive notes, cross references. Preface written Washington D.C. (no date given)
References: None
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Pocket ed. paperback octavo 1806 pp. "Angelus Book" № 31176