Title: Holy Bible – The New Analytical Bible and Dictionary of the Bible /
Authorized Version /
With the addition in many instances, in brackets, of the more correct renderings of THE AMERICAN REVISED VERSION, Copyright 1929 by The International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission.
A System of Helps
Comprising textual revision, a Dictionary of the Bible, Introductions to each book, /
A chart outline of each book of the Bible, Analysis of the entire Bible, /
Treatment of the outstanding facts of each book, Contemporaneous history, /
A specially arranged Harmony of the Gospels, the Teachings of Jesus in alphabetical order, /
A comprehensive index of all the subjects of all the helps, and many other features of exceptional character and excellence /
To facilitate the study and better understanding of the Scriptures.
Date: © 1931, 1938, 1941
Publisher: Chicago IL (U.S.A.): John A. Dickson Publishing Company
Contents: Protestant Bible, with a system of Helps. Topical Studies, Concordance. Maps.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Leatherbound octavo, bible paper. (14), 298, 1640, 18 & 4 (Maps) pp.
This »Dickson‘s New Analytical« is a fine old style Study Bible for extensive learning. The first (14) & 298 pp contain the preface (to the AV), book contents, General outline, a history of the Bible and a Dictionary.
The layout of the AV / KJV text, 1450 pp, is identical to the traditional versions with cross references, but with outlines, charts etc. Scripture text is followed by a Chronology of the Bible, a Family Register, indexes of the lives of biblical characters, the Topical Studies, General Index, Index to Biblical Place Names and 6 coloured maps.