Danish Bible

American Bible Society Editions

Complete Bible


Title: Bibelen eller Den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nye Testamentes Canoniske Bøger.
Date: 1859 (7th edition)
Language: Danish
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Contents: Bible
Images: Title page.
Comments: The first Danish Bible published by the American Bible Society was printed in 1848. This is the seventh edition.

Danish / English New Testament - 1849


Title: Vor Herres og Frelsers Jesu Christ Nye Testamente. / The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translation diligently compared and revised.
Date: 1849 (2nd edition)
Language: Danish and English (King James Version)
Publisher: New York: American Bible Society
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page.


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