Click here for sample verses from the version by John A. Dakes.
First Printing - December 1940
Title: Christ Jesus ✛ the Authentic Story of the Founder of Christianity / as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John / in the Four Gospels ✦ Translated from the Original Greek / by / John A. Dakes
Date: ⓒ 1940 by John A. Dakes.
Publisher: Chicago 19, IL (U.S.A.): Avalon Publishing Co.
Contents: Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Preface dated Chicago, IL, Nov. 1st 1940 (9 pp.); Appendixes: Prophecies relating to Christ and their fulfillment. Historical background (13 pp.) »The Erhomenos« (11 pp.); The Writing of the Gospels (8 pp.); Glossary (31 pp.); Various Readings (5 pp); Example of Ancient Greek Writing (2 Codices partly illustrated); 1 Map.
Images: Cover, Title page, John Dakes' signature
References: Chamberlin 621-1.
Comments: Hardbound octavo, 320 pp. Scripture text in single column, chapter- and verse numbering. As J. A. Dakes had been born to and raised by Greek parents on the isle of Crete, he has a special affinity to the Greek language, which he spoke as his mother tongue; later he became acquainted to the »koiné diảlektos«, the language of the New Testament. In his preface he discusses all NT Graece known to him (15+), that were edited throughout the centuries. Some attention Dakes pays to the Authorized/ KJV and the textus receptus underlying it. The translation Dakes offers draws from various sources; sometimes he prefers the Alexandrian, at other places the Byzantine reading; numerous examples of alternate readings are listed in an appendix. One can not however, after comparing the translation to its original, conceal that, though Dakes emphasizes his special training in the »koiné diảlektos«, there are better and more exact translations of the Gospels on the market.
Second Printing - March 1954
Title: Christ Jesus ✛ the Authentic Story of the Founder of Christianity / as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John / in the Four Gospels ✦ Translated from the Original Greek / by / John A. Dakes
Date: ⓒ 1954 by John A. Dakes.
Publisher: Chicago 19, IL (U.S.A.): Avalon Publishing Co.
Contents: Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Preface dated Chicago, IL, Nov. 1st 1940 (9 pp.); Appendixes: Prophecies relating to Christ and their fulfillment. Historical background (13 pp.) »The Erhomenos« (11 pp.); The Writing of the Gospels (8 pp.); Glossary (31 pp.); Various Readings (5 pp); Example of Ancient Greek Writing (2 Codices partly illustrated); 1 Map.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv– Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden, Germany.
References: Chamberlin 621-1.