Part 1
Title: The Authentic Literature of Israel Freed from the Disarrangements, Expansions and Comments of Early Native Editors Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Czarnomska, A.M. … Part One From the Exodus to the Exile
Date: 1924 (Part 1)
Publisher: The Macmillan Company: New York
Contents: Together with Part 2 this contains the complete Protestant Old Testament plus some books from the Apocrypha.
References: Chamberlin 122-1, Hills 2274, Taliaferro-EELBV 7775.100.
Images: Title page
Comments: The text is the AV with some modifications, notably the use of Yahweh for the Tetragammaton. The arrangement of the text aims to show the results of the work of Driver, Haupt, Kent, et al, in a simple form, without notes, and in chronological order beginning with the Decalogue. All the text is included at some point.
Part 2
Title: The Authentic Literature of Israel Freed from the Disarrangements, Expansions and Comments of Early Native Editors Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Czarnomska, A.M. … Part Two From the Exile to the Recovery of Israel's Independence
Date: 1928 (Part 2)
Publisher: The Macmillan Company: New York
Contents: Together with Part 2 this contains the complete Protestant Old Testament plus some books from the Apocrypha.
References: Chamberlin 122-1, Hills 2274, Taliaferro-EELBV 7775.110.
Images: Title page