Robert Couric (KJV2000)

The King James 2000 is the King James Version brought forward 400 years. Several categories of words are brought up to 21st century language. Pronouns such as thy, thine, thou, ye, etc. are put into current language usage form. Verbal endings such as -eth, -est, -st, etc. are given equivalent forms of today's language. Words so archaic as to be unknown, such as wist, wot, froward, etc. are rendered as their current synonyms. Some words considered entirely proper in 1611, but which may be considered "coarse" today, are changed to equivalent intentions (such as bowels to heart). It was produced by Robert Couric.

Click here for sample verses from the version by Robert A. Couric.


Title: The Holy Bible ● The King James 2000 Version ●  KJV2000
Date: © 2000 by Dr. Robert A. Couric
Publisher: South Holland, IL (U.S.A.): The Bible League
Contents: Protestant Bible with Editor‘s Preface

References: Taliaferro-EELBV 8605.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv- Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden, Germany
Comments: Paperback octavo, (6) and 1018 pp. The preface, written Sept. 2000, informs: The King James 2000 is the King James Version brought forward 400 years. Several categories of words are brought up to 21st century language. Pronouns such as thy, thine, thou, ye, etc. are put into current language usage form. Verbal endings such as -eth, -est, -st, etc. are given equivalent forms of today's language. Words so archaic as to be unknown, such as wist, wot, froward, etc. are rendered as their current synonyms. Some words considered entirely proper in 1611, but which may be considered "coarse" today, are changed to equivalent intentions (such as bowels to heart). – Scripture text presented in double column and verse- wise with good readability. There are no additions of any kind to the plain text except chapter and verse markings. 
Comments: Hard copies available for purchase at Bible League Bookstore


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