Choctaw Scriptures

New Testament

Translated by A. Wright and C. Byington.


Title: The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into the Choctaw Language. - Pin Chitokaka Pi Okchalinchi Chisus Klaist In Testament Himona, Chahta Anumpa Atoshowa Hoke - American Bible Society, New York
Date: 1968
Publisher: American Bible Society: New York
Language: Choctaw
Contents: New Testament
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 265, Darlow & Moule see 3051.
Images: Title page
Comments: This is likely a facsimile or a reprint using the same plates as the 1848 edition.



Title: The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, translated into the Choctaw language. Chenesis, Eksotus, Lefitikưs, Nưmbas, micha Tutelonomi holisso aiena kưt toshowưt Chahta anumpa toba hoke. New York: American Bible Society, Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1867.
Date: 1867 (First edition)
Publi], sher: American Bible Society: New York
Language: Choctaw
Contents: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 265.
Images: Title page


This was translated by J. Edwards, with the help of W. H. Mckinney, a Choctaw graduate of Yale. (D&M 3056)


Title: The Book of Psalms, translated into the Choctaw Language. Atưloa hulisso tushowưt chạhta ưnnumpah tuba hoke.
Date: 1913 (first edition 1886)
Publi], sher: American Bible Society: New York
Language: Choctaw
Contents: Psalms
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 265, Darlow & Moule see 3056.
Images: Cover, Title page

Translation History

1831 Luke, John Utica, Indian Territory
1836 Jonah, 1839 Acts American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), Boston
1841 1-3 John Mission Press, Park Hill
1842 Matthew ABCFM, Boston
1843 James Mission Press, Park Hill
1845 Gospels ABCFM, Boston
1848 New Testament, 1852-1867 Genesis-2 Kings
1886 Psalms American Bible Society, New York

Translated by Alfred Wright and Cyrus Byington, ABCFM, and after the death of Wright in 1853, by John Edwards. They were substantially assisted by Joseph Dukes and W.H. McKinney, educated Choctaws.

— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 265.


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