T. K. Cheyne


Click here for sample verses from T.K. Cheyne's translation of the Psalms.

1884 Version


Title: The Book of Psalms Translated by the Rev. by T. K. Cheyne, M.A.
Date: 1884
Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd.: London
Contents: Introduction (p. xxviii), Psalms (p. 214), Explanations (p. 215-257).
References: Chamberlin ; Herbert 2034.
Images: Cover, Title page

1904 Version


Title: The Book of Psalms Translated from a revised text with Notes and Introduction In place of a second edition of an earlier work (1888) by the same author by T. K. Cheyne In two volumes
Date: 1904
Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd.: London
Contents: Vol. I - Psalms 1-74; Vol. II - Psalms 75-150
References: Chamberlin 325-6; see Herbert 2034 for information on the earlier edition by T.K. Cheyne.
Images: Volume 1 Title page, Volume 2 Title page
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile of the American edition (1904) can be found at archive.org: Volume 1 and Volume 2

Isaiah from the Polychrome Bible


Title: The Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments A New English Translation With Explanatory Notes and Pictorial Illustrations prepared by eminent Biblical scholars of Europe and America and Edited with the assistance of Horace Howard Furness by Paul Haupt Part 10 Isaiah translated by T. K. Cheyne
Date: 1898
Publisher: Dodd, Mead, and Company: New York
Contents: Isaiah
References: Chamberlin 447-8; 148-6; Herbert 2088
Images: General Title page, Title Page
Facsimile: A pdf facsimile is available at archive.org.


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