Cheyenne New Testament

Title: Zemona Hoemao Maheon-Hoestomohestova zeēnano Ninitaehaman na Nivostanevstomanehaman Jesus Maheonxostaanasz Nistaomeenszistova Zenxhoxove-Zessensze-Vxeo Zessensze Aninos Zeeše-Taeonitavaztosz Hosz Maheonemxistōnoz Onitavenszistova Zeoxchese-Hoxovensze-Vxeoezesz Zevašitaevhoeme Maheonemxisto-Notxestoz 1934 (The New Testament in Cheyenne Translated by Rev. Rodolphe Petter, D.D. from the Greek, with careful comparison with the Latin Vulgate, and other versions. American Bible Society, New York, 1934)
Date: 1934
Publisher: American Bible Society: New York
Language: Cheyenne
Contents: New Testament
References: Book of a Thousand Tongues (1972) entry 216
Images: Cover, Title page

Translation History

1902 Luke, John 1912 Luke, John (revised) Mennonite Mission, Cantonment, Oklahoma
1928 Gospels Printed privately, Lame Deer, Montana
1930 Acts 1934 New Testament American Bible Society

Translated by Rodolphe Petter, Mennonite missionary, assisted by Anna Wolfname, Susie Woundedeye, Chief Standingelg, and other Indian informants.

— From The Book of a Thousand Tongues entry 216.


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