Christian Community Bible (CCB)

The Christian Community Bible "CCB" was born in 1971 in Latin America as a result of the pastoral concern of the French priest Bernardo Hurault. Since then, he has devoted his whole life to this work. After the first translation in Spanish, the translations in English, French, Filipino and Chinese came out. Other translations, also coordinated by Fr. Bernardo Hurault, are in process.
The first English translation was published in the Philippines in 1988. A thoroughly “New Revised Version“ was published in 2013.
The CCB is published in at least three different sizes and different colours (green, red and blue):
1.) Octavo (c. 21 cm) with cross references
2.) Small octavo (18 cm); no cross references.
3.) 12mo (15 cm); no cross references.
Source texts are the Hebrew and Aramaic for the Old Testament, the Greek Septuagint for the Deuterocanonical books and the Greek Koiné for the New Testament texts. The translation is classified “dynamic equivalence“. Other than the most Roman– Catholic Bibles in English, the CCB has a different arrangement of the Biblical books of the OT, closer to the Hebrew canon, but not identical, as shown here:
Genesis to Nehemia, 1st & 2nd Maccabees, Isaiah, Jeremia, Ezekiel to Malachi, Daniel,
Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, Tobit, Judith, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, and Psalms.
As seen, the Psalms are always placed at the end of the OT.
The arrangement of the NT – books is as follows: Matthew to Colossians, Philemon, 1 Thess. to Revelation.
The spelling of the English is not uniform; most versions have American, others British Spelling (e. g. the II Edition, Quezon City), but the „cock crows“ from Matthew 26 to Luke 22, in all versions, not the (american) rooster.
Some questions arise regarding the counting of the editions; they vary depending where the CCB has been printed. First of all, the numbering differs: The second Quezon City edition has »II Edition«, but no date apart from the ⓒ of 1988; the «2nd Edition«, published in Madrid with ⓒ 1988, was brought out in 2009 (!). From the «Third revised Ed.» onwards the counting is mainly done in written-out numbers, e. g. „Twenty-seventh Edition“ ⓒ 1999. There are only few informations presently available about the numbering of the Madrid and U. S. – Editions. Some editions only have the ⓒ 1988 in the impressum, though they may have been printed much later. [Readers are asked to help here; one hint may be to check the ISBN–10 (until Dec. 2006) or the ISBN-13 (from Jan. 2007 onwards)].

The general layout varies greatly from version to version. Biblical texts are, depending on what the editors considered more or less important for the reader/ prayer, arranged in single or double column, some texts are printed in italics (e. g. Genesis 1:1 to 2:4a), others in different font sizes, even within a single book. Most texts of e.g. Leviticus, Maccabees and Chronicles are in small print, other better known OT and most NT texts are in large(r) print.
Early editions have vignettes on top of nearly every page and a dozen plus contemporary b&w photos, mostly taken in the Far East, later editions show photos of individuals that are considered as martyrs, icons of the virgin Mary, and colour drawings of Jesus. Late editions have colour maps of Biblical Lands.

Known enumeration of Philippine and other than Spanish prints
(! corrections and amendments welcome !):
1st (or, I Ed.) 1988 11th Ed. 1994 21st Ed. …. 31st Ed. ….
II Ed. c. 1989 12th. Ed. …. 22nd Ed. 1997 32nd Ed. ….
3rd revised Ed. c. 1990 13th. Ed. …. 23rd Ed. 1998 33rd Ed. ….
4th Ed. …. 14th. Ed. 1994 24th Ed. …. 34th Ed. 2003
5th Ed. 1990 15th. Ed. 1995 25th Ed. …. 35th Ed. 2004
6th Ed. 1990 16th. Ed. …. 26th Ed. …. 36th Ed. 2004
7th Ed. …. 17th Ed. 1995 27th Ed. 1999 37th Ed. 2005
8th Ed. 1991 18th Ed. 1995 28th Ed. …. 38th Ed. 2005
9th Ed. 1993 19th Ed. …. 29th Ed. 2002 39th Ed. ….
10th Ed. …. 20th Ed. …. 30th Ed. …. 40th Ed. 2008
41st Ed. 2008 51st Ed. …. 61st Ed. 201x
42th Ed. …. 52nd Ed. 2012 62nd Ed. 201x
43th ed. …. 53rd Ed. 2012 63rd Ed. 2014
44th Ed. …. 54th Ed. 2012 64th Ed. ….
45th Ed. …. 55th Ed. 2012 65th Ed. ….
46th Ed. …. 56th Ed. …. 66th Ed. 2016
47th Ed. 2010 57th Ed. 2013
48th Ed. 2010 58th Ed. ….
49th Ed. 2010 59th Revised Ed. 2013
50th Ed. …. 60th Ed. 2013
Spanish Prints
1st Ed. 1998
2nd Ed. 2009
3rd Ed. ….
4th Ed. ….
5th Ed. ….

Click here for sample verses from the Christian Community Bible.

Philippine Editions

II Edition, c. 1989 (Standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition.
Translated, presented and commented for the Christian Community of the Philippines and the Third World; and for those who seek God. / Complete text translated from the Hebrew and Greek.
(Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, b&w and colour photos and maps)
Date: ⓒ 1988 Bernardo Hurault. II Edition (no date given) c. 1989.
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publishers
Makati (Philippines): St. Paul Publications
Manila (Philippines): Divine Word Publications
Contents: Catholic Bible – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The New Testament / From the Apostles to Us / Index of the Gospels, Words and Persons. / Biblical Teaching. 5 in–text maps, 2 colour maps of Palestine; 16 pp b/w and 6 pp colour photos.
Language: English w/ British Spelling
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page, This is sometimes found with a Red Cover.

Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover, large octavo, sewn binding; 1148 & 516 plus 2 pp colour maps.
General introductions (39 pp). For scripture text presentation see preface above. All books are introduced. Scripture text provided with vignettes all over on top of page (except in the Psalms). Cross references within OT in frames above copious footnotes; no cross references for the Psalms; their headings are not translated. Different arrangement for the New Testament: Scripture text in single or (less often) double column, cross references and copious notes in two side margins. As can be seen from Ps 1:1 “Blessed is the man“, inclusive language is not (yet) used. A quick glance reveals that with the omission of the Psalm- headings, also V. 1 of Psalm 50 has inadvertently been left out.

This CCB was printed in the Philippines.

Third revised Edition, c. 1990 (Standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Translated, presented and commented for the Christian Community of the Philippines and the Third World; and for those who seek God / Complete text translated from the Hebrew and Greek. [Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, b&w and colour photos and maps]
Date: ⓒ 1988 Bernardo Hurault. Third revised Edition (no date given) c. 1990.
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publishers: Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publishers
Makati (Philippines): St. Paul Publications
Manila (Philippines): Divine Word Publications
Contents: Catholic Bible – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The New Testament / From the Apostles to Us / Index of the Gospels, Words and Persons. / Biblical Teaching. 5 in–text maps, 2 colour maps of Palestine; 16 b/w and 6 colour photo pages.
Language: English w/ American Spelling (but see Comments).
References:Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, octavo, sewn binding; 1032, (2) & 470 pp plus 2 pp colour maps.
General introductions (37 pp). For scripture text presentation see preface above. All books are introduced. Scripture text privided with vignettes all over on top of page (except in the Psalms). Cross references within OT in frames above copious footnotes; no cross references for the Psalms; their headings are not translated. Different arrangement for the New Testament: Scripture text in single or (less often) double column, cross references and copious notes in two side margins. Though American spelling is used here, „the cock crows“ in Matth. 26:74 (and parallels). As can be seen from Ps 1:1 “Blessed is the man“, inclusive language is not (yet) used.

This CCB was printed in the Philippines.

Seventeenth Edition, 1995 (Standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Translated, presented and commented for the Christian Community of the Philippines and the Third World; and for those who seek God. / Complete text translated from the Hebrew and Greek.
Main Writer: Patricia Grogan FCJ (Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, b&w and colour photos)
Date: ⓒ 1995 Bernardo Hurault. Seventeenth Edition. First Printing
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publishers
Liguori MO (U.S.A.): Liguori Publications (Co–Publisher)
Contents: Catholic Bible – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The New Testament / From the Apostles to us / Index of the Gospels/ Important Notes in the Commentaries / Biblical Teaching. 5 in–text maps; 8 pp b/w and 3 pp colour photos. Appendixes: Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations, Morning & Evening Prayer. 1 loose sheet of Errata.
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, large octavo, sewn binding; 1312, 615 & (8) pp. Thumb index.
General introductions (52 pp). For scripture text presentation see preface above. All books are introduced. Cross references within OT in frames above copious footnotes; no cross references for the Psalms; their headings are not translated. Different arrangement for the New Testament: Scripture text in single or (less often) double column, cross references and copious notes in two side margins. As can be read from Ps 1:1 “Blessed is the one …“, inclusive language has been used, presumabley since the 10th Edition.

This CCB was printed in the Philippines.

Twenty–seventh Edition, 1999 (Pocket size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete original text translated from the Hebrew and Greek, presented and commented for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God.
Main Writer: Patricia Grogan FCJ (Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 1 colour photo and 2 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 1999 Bernardo Hurault. Twenty–seventh Edition.
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Pastoral Bible Foundation
Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publications
Makati (Philippines): St Pauls
Contents: Catholic Bible. – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The New Testament / From the Apostles to us / Index of the Gospels/ Important Notes in the Commentaries / Biblical Teaching. 4 in–text maps; 4 pp with 1 colour photo and 2 colour maps. Appendixes: Morning & Evening Prayer, Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations.
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, 12mo, sewn binding; 46*, 1110, 510 & (10) pp.
General introductions (45 pp). Scripture text here in double column throughout except for some Psalms. No cross references in this pocket ed.; Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Inclusive language has been used.

This CCB was printed in China by Amity Printing Company.

Thirty–fifth Edition, 2004 (Standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete text translated from the original languages, with introductions and commentaries for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God.
Main Editor: Patricia Grogan FCJ (Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 1 colour photo and 2 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 2004 Bernardo Hurault. Thirty–fifth Edition.
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Pastoral Bible Foundation
Distributor: Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publications
Contents: Catholic Bible. – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The Gospels / Chronology of Apostolic Times/ From the Apostles to us/ Biblical Teaching. 4 in–text maps; 2 colour photos and 2 pp w/ colour maps. Appendixes: Brief Lexikon; Biblical Reading in the Mass; Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations.
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover, octavo, sewn binding; 1964 pp.
General introductions (56 pp). Scripture text in double column exept for poetic parts. Cross references in the inner and outer margins; Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Inclusive language.

This CCB (FT3434) was printed by Nanjing Amitiy Printing Company, China.

Forty–first Edition, 2008 (standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete text translated from the original language with introductions and commentraies for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God.
Main Editor: Patricia Grogan FCJ (Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 3 colour photos and 7 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 2008 Bernardo Hurault Forty–first Edition
The “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, is not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Pastoral Bible Foundation
Distributors: Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publications
Bangalore (India): Claretian Publications
Content: Catholic Bible. – (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The Gospels / Chronology of Apostolic Times/ From the Apostles to us/ Biblical Teaching/ Index of the Gospels/ 4 in–text maps; 3 colour photos and 7 colour maps. Appendixes (from p. 1901): Brief Lexikon/ Biblical Reading in the Mass, Liturgical Calendar, / Index, / Alphabetical Listing with Abbreviations
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover, octavo, sewn binding; 1950 pp.
General introductions (52 pp). Scripture text in double column exept for poetic parts (Pss etc.). Cross references in the inner & outer margins. Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Inclusive language.

This CCB (FT6701) was printed in China by Nanjing Amitiy Printing Company

Fifty–third Edition, 2012 (small–8° size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete text translated from the original languages, with introductions and commentaries for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God.
Main Editor: Patricia Grogan FCJ. / Main Editor for the Gospels: Roger Butland / Copyeditor: Adolph Dias
(Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 3 colour photos and 3 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 2012 Bernardo Hurault. Fifty–third Edition.
The “nihil obstat“ and the “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, are not dated.
Publisher: Quezon City (Philippines): Pastoral Bible Foundation
Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publications
Bangalore (India): Claretian Publications / Indian Bible Foundation
Contents: Catholic Bible. – Episcopal Introduction. (General Introduction:) Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The Gospels / Chronology of Apostolic Times/ From the Apostles to us/ Index of the Gospels/ 4 in–text maps; 3 colour photos and 3 colour maps. Appendixes: Biblical Reading in the Mass; Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations.
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, small octavo, sewn binding; 1884 pp.
General introductions (34 pp). Scripture text in double column exept for poetic parts. No cross references. Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Inclusive language.

This CCB (FT107902) was printed in China by the Nanjing Amitiy Printing Company.

Madrid & other Editions

1st edition, 1998 (standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Complete original text translated from Hebrew and Greek, presented and commented for Christian Communities and for those who seek God.
Date: ⓒ 1988 [by] Bernardo Hurault. 1st Edition 1998
Publisher: Madrid (Spain): San Pablo Internacional.
Madrid (Spain): Editoral Verbo Divino
Contents: Catholic Bible Catholic Bible. Title and Publication information, General Introduction (p 5-43): (Jesus Is Risen / The Book in Your Hands / What existed before the Bible? / The Bible and the religions of the earth / Summary and Dates of Sacred History / From the Apostles to Us / Biblical Teachings / Index of the Gospels), Old Testament (p. 1084), New Testament (p. 510), Table of Contents, Alphabetical Index, Alphabetical Index with Abbreviations
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page

2nd edition, 2009 (standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete original text translated from the Hebrew and Greek, presented and commented for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God. (Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 2 colour photos and 7 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 1988 Bernardo Hurault. Sociedad Biblica Católica Internacional (SOBICAIN). 2nd Edition / 2009
The “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, is not dated.
Publisher: Madrid (Spain): Sociedad Biblica Católica Internacional (SOBICAIN).
Madrid (Spain): San Pablo Internacional (Co–Publisher)
Estella, Navarra (Spain): Editorial Verbo Divino (Co–Publisher)
Content: Catholic Bible. – (General Introduction:) Table of Contents / Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations / Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The Gospels / Chronology of Apostolic Times/ From the Apostles to us/ Biblical Teaching/ Index of the Gospels/ 4 in–text maps; 3 colour photos and 3 colour maps. Appendixes: Glossary/ Biblical Reading in the Mass;
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover, octavo, sewn binding; 1922 pp.
General introductions (61 pp). Scripture text in double column exept for poetic parts. Cross references in the inner & outer margins. Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Inclusive language.

This CCB was printed in Spain. Its enumeration does not follow the usual counting of the original editions.

Macao Revised 2013 Edition

59th Edition, Revised 2013 (standard size)


Title: Christian Community Bible – CCB ✞ Catholic Pastoral Edition. Complete text translated from the original languages, with introductions and commentaries for the Christian Communities and for those who seek God. Editors and copy editors: Patricia Grogan FCJ, Roger Butland, Adolph Dias, Robert and Bernardine Caminita, Paul Ginivan, Ma. Susanna C. Basmayor, Miriam Cruz, John Ledesma, SDB, Alberto Rossa, CMF
(Illustrated with numerous b&w drawings, 3 colour photos and 3 colour maps)
Date: ⓒ 2013 Bernardo Hurault. Revised 2013 / 59th Edition.
The “imprimatur“, issued in the Philippines, is not dated.
Publisher: Macao (China): Pastoral Bible Foundation
Quezon City (Philippines): Claretian Publications / Claret Publishing Group
Bangalore (India): Claretian Publications / Indian Bible Foundation
Content: Catholic Bible. – (General Introduction:) Table of Contents / Alphabetical Listings w/ Abbreviations / Jesus Is Risen / Before the Bible / Summary and Dates of Sacred History: The Old Testament, The Gospels / Chronology of Apostolic Times/ From the Apostles to us/ Biblical Teaching/ Index of the Gospels/ 4 in–text maps; 3 colour photos and 3 colour maps. Appendixes: Glossary/ Biblical Reading in the Mass;
Language: English w/ American Spelling.
References: Chamberlin p. 52-2; Taliaferro CN00353, Taliaferro-EELBV 8295.
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany

Comments: Hardcover, octavo, sewn binding; 1922 pp.
General introductions (61 pp). Scripture text in double column exept for poetic parts. Cross references in the inner & outer margins. Psalm– headings are not translated. Copious comments in footnotes. Appendix starts with Glossary on p. 1883. Inclusive language.

This CCB (APC-FT159302) was printed in China by Nanjing Amitiy Printing Company.

This New Revised Edition features:
• Text closer to the original languages in a number of passages
• Biblical cross references have been verified, some removed and some new ones added.
• Biblical pronunciation guide added in the Glossary.
• Verse references cited in the commentary when texts are quoted
• New commentaries on the Psalms, w/ thanks to the Grail Society
• A very careful revision of the text of the four Gospels
• A new layout of the complete Pastoral Bible

Gallery of CCB Editions:

From left: ➊ II Editon c. 1989 ➋ 3rd revised Ed. c. 1990 ➌ 17th Ed. 1995 ➍ 35th Ed. 2004 ➎ 41st Ed. 2008 ➏ 2nd Madrid Ed. 2009 ➐ 59th revised Ed. 2013 ➑ 53rd Ed. 2012 ➒ 27th Ed. 1999

New Testament


Title: The beauty and life God created in the world were destroyed by death and wrongdoing They were made new by God's surprising victory As Told in the Books of the New Testament Christian Community Biblw
Date: 2015
Publisher: Fundación Ramón Pané: Miami
Contents: New Testament
References: see Taliaferro-EELBV 8325.
Images: Cover, Title page, Back cover
Location: Personal library, Havelock, North Carolina, USA
Comments This edition has no chapters or verses. There are helps for families and a guide to Lectio Divina. For more information about this edition, see Wikipedia.


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