Title Illustrated / New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / with the Words of Christ / Printed in Red / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1950.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A red-letter variant of the first edition.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / with the Words of Christ / Printed in Red / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1951.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A smaller size variant of the first edition.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / P. A. Tracey Co. 14 Chauncey Street Boston, Mass. / P. A. Tracey Co., Inc. 274 Washington Street Providence, R. I.
Date Copyright dated 1952.
Publisher P. A. Tracey Co., Boston and P. A. Tracey Co., Inc., Providence
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant with local bookseller imprints.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Carl B. Noelke Co. / La Crosse, Wisc. Rochester, Minn.
Date Copyright dated 1952.
Publisher Carl B. Noelke Co., La Crosse and Rochester
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / The Old Testament / Douay Version / With Newly Edited Annotations of Bishop Challoner and / a New Translation of the Book of Psalms from the / New Latin Version Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Regulski-Polaski, Inc. / New York.
Date Copyright dated 1952.
Publisher Regulski-Polaski, Inc. / New York.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Images Title page
Comments A variant with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1953 or 1954.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments This edition includes the first installment of the new Confraternity Version of the Old Testament.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Tucker's, Inc. / 300 E. Main Street Rochester 4, N.Y.
Date Copyright dated 1953.
Publisher Tucker's, Inc., Rochester
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Broadway Church Goods House / Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date Copyright dated 1953.
Publisher Broadway Church Goods House, Milwaukee
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / John A. Reger / Catholic Supply House / 615 Cherry Street Toledo 4, Ohio
Date Copyright dated 1953.
Publisher Catholic Supply House, Toledo
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / The E. M. Lohmann Co. / Publishers of the Saint Andrew Daily Missal
Date Copyright dated 1953.
Publisher The E. M. Lohmann Co., NP
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / The F. Kaster Co. Inc. / 321 Pine Street Green Bay, Wisconsin
Date Copyright dated 1953.
Publisher The F. Kaster Co. Inc., Green Bay
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments A new edition with enhanced two color title page.
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / The E. M. Lohmann Co., / Publishers of the Saint Andrew Daily Missal / 413-17 Sibley Street St. Paul 1, Minn.
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher The E. M. Lohmann Co., St. Paul
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller's imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Carl B. Noelke Co. / La Crosse, Wisc. Rochester, Minn.
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher Carl B. NoelkeCo., La Crosse and Rochester
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller's imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / B. Herder Book Co. / 15 & 17 South Broadway St. Louis 2, Missouri
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller's imprint
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Gorman Church Goods House, Inc. / 21 East Superior Street Chicago 11, Illinois
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher Gorman Church Goods House, Inc., Chicago
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments A variant of the above with local bookseller's imprint
Title New Catholic Edition / of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the / First Eight Books, and a New Translation of the Book / of Psalms from the New Latin Version / Approved by Pope Pius XII / and / The New Testament / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Ferri Bros. & Price, Inc. / 114-118 Hackensack Street Wood-Ridge, N.J.
Date Copyright dated 1954.
Publisher Ferri Bros. & Price, Inc., Wood-Ridge, N.J.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth in the Confraternity Version and the Psalms in the New Latin Version; the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments This edition adds the second instalment of the new Confraternity Version of the Old Testament.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Frank H. Kirner / 309 Market Streeet Pittsburgh 22, Pa.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher Frank H. Kirner, Pittsburgh
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments An edition of the above with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / The Newman Bookshop / Washington 17 D.C. Baltimore 1, Md. / Westminster, Md.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher The Newman Bookshop, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Westminster Md.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / E. J. McDevitt Company / Detroit / Royal Oak Eastland Center
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher E. J. McDevitt Compan, Detroit, Royal Oak, and Eastland Center
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Geo. A. Friedrichs / 2324-2326 Sassafras Steet Erie, Penna.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher Geo. A. Friedrichs, Erie, PA
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / H. L. Kilner & Co. / 1218 Arch Street Philadelphia 7, Pa.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher H. L. Kilner & Co., Philadelphia
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / Krieg Bros. Catholic Supply House, Inc. / 1414 Farmer Street / Detroit 26, Michigan / 249 N. Penna. Street / Indianapolis 4, Ind.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher Krieg Bros. Catholic Supply House, Inc., Detroit and Indianapolis
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title New Catholic Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, and the Seven Sapiential Books / of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / O'Connors Church Goods / 1260 Fourth Avenue/ San Diego, Calif.
Date Copyright dated 1957.
Publisher O'Connors Church Goods, San Diego, Calif.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Images Title page
Comments Another edition with a local bookseller imprint.
Title Saint Joseph / "New Catholic Edition" of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, the Seven Sapiential Books, / and the Eighteen Prophetic Books of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / with Historical and Chronological Indexes, Table of References, / Two Bible Reading Guides, Index of Bible Names, / Harmony of the Gospels, Family Record, / and Maps in Full Color. / Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1962.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth, Job through Sirach, and Isaia through Malachia in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments This edition adds the third instalment of the new Confraternity Old Testament.
Title Saint Joseph Edition of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, the Seven Sapiential Books, / and the Eighteen Prophetic Books of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / with Photographs of the Holy Land and Many Study Helps / Encyclical of Pius XII, General Introduction, Historical and Chronological Indexes, / Doctrinal Bible Index, Harmony of the Gospels, Glossary, and Maps of the Holy Land./ Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1963.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth, Job through Sirach, and Isaia through Malachia in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments This edition adds illustrations.
Title Saint Joseph / "New Catholic Edition" of the / Holy Bible / The Old Testament / Confraternity - Douay Version / With the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation / of the First Eight Books, the Seven Sapiential Books, / and the Eighteen Prophetic Books of the Old Testament / and / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / A Revision of Challoner-Rheims Version Edited by Catholic / Scholars under the Patronage of the Episcopal Committee / of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine / with Historical and Chronological Indexes, Table of References, / Two Bible Reading Guides, Index of Bible Names, / Harmony of the Gospels, Family Record, / and Maps in Full Color./ Catholic Book Publishing Company / New York
Date Copyright dated 1963.
Publisher Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth, Job through Sirach, and Isaia through Malachia in the Confraternity Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Comments A variant of the above in a smaller size edition.