Title: Ephesians [by] R. Paul Caudill
Date: 1979
Publisher: Broadman Press: Nashville
Contents: Ephesians
References: Chamberlin p. 749-3
Images: Cover, Title page
Title: Philippians [by] R. Paul Caudill
Date: 1980
Publisher: Blue Ridge Press of Boone, Inc.: Boone, NorthCarolina
Contents: Philippians
Images: Cover, Title page
First Corinthians
Title: R. Paul Caudill First Corinthians A Translation with Notes
Date: 1983
Publisher: Broadman Press: Nashville
Contents: First Corinthians
References: Chamberlin 739-9
Images: Cover, Title page
Title: R. Paul Caudill Hebrews A Translation with Notes
Date: 1985
Publisher: Broadman Press: Nashville
Contents: Hebrews
References: none
Images: Cover, Title page
Title: R. Paul Caudill John A Translation with Notes
Date: 1988
Publisher: Carter-Hubbard Publishing Company: North Wilkesboro, North Carolina
Contents: John
References: none
Images: Cover, Title page