Title The / Psalmes / of David / Translated from the Vulgat. / M. DCC.
Date 1700
Publisher Unknown publisher, St. Germains (France)
Contents Translation of the Psalms by John Caryll (1625 - 1711)
References HERBERT 862, POPE 668-17, COTTON 30, CHAMBERLIN 286.
Comments An independent Catholic translation of the Psalms by a Chaplain to the Catholic Pretender to the throne of England (James II) while exiled in France. Said by Alexander Geddes q.v. to express the meaning of the Latin Vulgate better than the Douay Version.
Images: Title page.
Format 12mo. [20] 347 pp. Variants appear with and without the title page vignette and with differing Errata leaves.
Recent Sales A copy of this edition sold for $622.80 (399.95 British pounds) on Ebay, August 11, 2015.