Title: 21st. Century New Testament. The dual translation which enables a study of the literal meanings of the original text to be combined with a reading in modern English
Date: 1998
Publisher: Insight Press: Bristol
Contents: New Testament
references: Taliaferro-BVE CN00491, Taliaferro-EELBV 8560.
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: This translation was prepared by Vivian Capel.
The following information is taken from the Golden Age Books website:
This unique translation has been produced to give students and all lovers of God's word a more accurate literal account of the ancient texts, with an accompanying easy-to-read free rendering in the modern idiom. This enables a study of the literal meanings of the original text to be combined with a reading in modern English.
In the literal translation the aim has been to adhere to the original text as closely as possible, and in particular, to preserve the mood, tense, voice and intensity of verbal forms, as well as conveying shades of meaning of other words that are often lost. Displayed on the left hand column on each page, this features the divine name rendered as [YHVH].
In parallel, the idiomatic, free rendering in the right hand column provides a translation which, while maintaining accuracy as far as possible, has not been inhibited by the fear of straying from the original form and wording - as that is available alongside for the reader to compare. Here 'Jehovah' is used for occurrences of the divine name.