An excellent article on Alexander Campbell and his New Testament may be found at Michael Marlowe's Bible Research Site.
For sample verses from the translation by Alexander Campbell, click here
1828 New Testament
The Second Edition of Campbell's New Testament was produced in two variants. The text appears to be the same but they are type-set differently. One obvious difference is the publication information on the title page. One reads: "Bethany, Brooke Co. VA. Printed and Published by Alexander Campbell. 1828" while the other reads: "Printed and published by Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Brooke County, Virginia. A.D. 1828." Other formatting differences exist in both the preface and text.
Variant 1
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge, Doctors of the Church of Scotland. With Prefaces to the Historical and Epistolary Books, and an Appendix, Containing Critical Notes and Various Translations of Difficult Passages. Second Edition. Bethany, Brooke Co. VA. Printed and Published by Alexander Campbell. 1828.
Date: 1828 (First edition 1826)
Publisher: Alexander Campbell: Bethany, Brooke Co., Va. (Brooke County is now part of West Virginia)
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills 647 (see 567), Herbert see 1759, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.110.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page
Variant 2
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge, Doctors of the Church of Scotland. With Prefaces to the Historical and Epistolary Books, and an Appendix, Containing Critical Notes and Various Translations of Difficult Passages. Second Edition. Printed and published by Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Brooke County, Virginia. A.D. 1828
Date: 1828 (First edition 1826)
Publisher: Alexander Campbell: Bethany, Brooke Co., Va. (Brooke County is now part of West Virginia)
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills 647 (see 567), Herbert see 1759, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.110.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page
1832 New Testament
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by Doctors George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge. With Prefeces, Various Emendations, and an Appendix, Containing various translations of difficult passages - some Critical Notes on the Language, Geography, Chronology, and History of the New Testament - and Miscellaneous Tables designed to aid every candid reader of the volume in acquiring a satisfactory knowledge of its contents. By A. Campbell. Third Edition - Revised and Enlarged.
Date: 1832 (First edition 1826)
Publisher: Alexander Campbell: Bethany, Brooke Co., Va. (Brooke County is now part of West Virginia)
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills 795 (see 567), Herbert see 1759, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.120.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page
1833 New Testament
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by Doctors George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge. With Prefaces, Various Emendations, and an Appendix by Alexander Campbell. Stereotyped from the third Edition revised
Date: 1833 (First edition 1826)
Publisher: A. Campbell: Bethany, Brooke Co., Va. (Brooke County is now part of West Virginia)
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills 854 (see 567), Herbert see 1759, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.
Contents: New Testament
Description: Small 8vo 1-218 (p. 336)
Images: Title page
Comments: (From Hills) Known as the Pocket Edition. Preface headed to "the fourth or Stereotyped Edition." The Appendix is not as extensive as in earlier editions but it contains explanatory notes. There are also minor changes from previous editions.
1839 New Testament
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by Doctors George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge. With Prefaces, Various Emendations, and an Appendix by Alexander Campbell. Sixth Edition.
Date: 1839
Publisher: Pittsburgh: Published by Forrester & Campbell, Booksellers and Publishers. (Printed by D.N. White, Pittsburgh)
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills 1058 (see 567), Herbert see 1759, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title page
Comments: This is a reprint of the 1835 edition (Hills 915) and the last published under Campbell's supervision. In 1842 Campbell reported that 35,000 copies of his New Testament had been sold and 5,000 given away. (from Hills 1058)
In 1870, the "First Stereotyped edition" was published by Franklin & Rice: Cincinnati. This was reprinted as a second, third, fourth, fifth edition, etc. beginning in 1871.
Title: The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by Doctors George Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip Doddridge. With Prefaces, Various Emendations, and an Appendix by Alexander Campbell. Sixth Steroetyped Edition.
Date: 1874 (First stereotyped edition 1870)
Publisher: Published by Franklin & Rice: Cincinnati
References: Chamberlin 545-4, Hills see 1862, Taliaferro-BVE CN00009, Taliaferro-EELBV 7305.
Contents: New Testament
Images: Title 1, Title 2
Online Facsimiles:
The Second Edition (1828) is available here.
The Fourth Edition (1835) is available here.
The Sixth Edition (1839) is available here.
The 1860 edition is available here.
The Sixteenth Edition is available here.