Title The Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / and Diligently Compared with / Other Editions in Divers Languages / (Douai, A. D. 1609; Rheims, A.D. 1582) / Published as Revised and Annotated / by Authority / with a Preface by the Cardinal / Archbishop of Westminster / This Edition Contains Bishop Challoner's Notes, / Newly Compiled Indices, Tables, and Verified / References. Also Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical / on the Study of the Holy Scriptures, and a New / Series of Maps / London / Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd. / Publishers to the Holy See
Date (No date given.) Imprimatur: Westmonasterii 1914
Publisher Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd., London
Contents Catholic Bible
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments A copy appearing after the merger of Burns and Oates and R. & T. Washbourne, circa 1920.
Title The Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / and Diligently Compared with / Other Editions in Divers Languages / (Douai, A. D. 1609; Rheims, A.D. 1582) / Published as Revised and Annotated / by Authority / with a Preface by the Cardinal / Archbishop of Westminster / This Edition Contains Bishop Challoner's Notes, / Newly Compiled Indices, Tables, and Verified / References. Also Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical / on the Study of the Holy Scriptures, and a New / Series of Maps / Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd. / London / 28 Orchard Street, W. 1; 840 Paternoster Row, E.C. 4 / and at Manchester, Birmingham, and Glasgow
Date (No date given.) Imprimatur: Westmonasterii 1914
Publisher Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., London, Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow
Contents Catholic Bible
Images: Cover Title page
Comments A variant title page after the merger of Burns and Oates and R. & T. Washbourne, circa 1920.
Title The Holy Bible / Translated from the Latin Vulgate / and Diligently Compared with / Other Editions in Divers Languages / (Douai, A. D. 1609; Rheims, A.D. 1582) / Published as Revised and Annotated / by Authority / with a Preface by the Cardinal / Archbishop of Westminster / This Edition Contains Bishop Challoner's Notes, / Newly Compiled Indices, Tables, and Verified / References. Also Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical / on the Study of the Holy Scriptures, and a New / Series of Maps / New York, Cincinnati, Chicago / Benziger Brothers / Printers to the Holy See / Publishers of Benziger's Magazine
Date (No date given.) Imprimatur: Westmonasterii 1914
Publisher Benziger Brothers, New York, Cincinati and Chicago
Contents Catholic Bible
Images: Title page
Comments An American variant.