Northumberland Dialect
Title: The Book of Ruth in the Northumberland dialect; from the authorised English version, by J. P. Robson.
Author: Joseph Philip Robson
Date: 1860
Publisher: London: George Barclay
Contents: Ruth
References: Collins 71; Herbert 2499, Taliaferro-EELBV 0060.200.
Facsimile: A PDF facsimile is available at Google Books.
Title: The Song of Solomon in the Northumberland dialect; from the authorised English version, by Joseph Philip Robson.
Author: Joseph Philip Robson
Date: 1860
Publisher: London: George Barclay
Contents: Song of Solomon
References: Collins 72; Herbert 2500, Taliaferro-EELBV 0060.205.
Title: The Song of Solomon, versified from the English translation of James of England into the dialect of the colliers of Northumberland, but principally those dwelling on the banks of the Tyne, by J. P. Robson.
Author: Joseph Philip Robson
Date: 1860
Publisher: London: George Barclay
Contents: Song of Solomon
References: Collins 73; Herbert 2503, Taliaferro-EELBV 0060.210.
Images: Title page (from the online facsimile)
Facsimile On line: A pdf facsimile is available online at
Facsimile On line: Another pdf facsimile is available online at