Title: The Biblical Annual; containing A Fourfold Translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher; viz. 1. The Common English Version; 2. A New Translation from the Original Hebrew; 3. … from the Greek of the Septuagint; 4. … from the Latin Vulgate. With Illustrative Notes. London: Published by Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and Houldsworth and Ball. Also by W. Robinson, Stockton-on-Tees; and by all other booksellers. 1832.
Date: 1832
Publisher: Hamilton, Adams, and Co.: London
Contents: Ecclesiastes
Description: Small 4to, π,b4B-M4 (p. x, 93)
References: Chamberlin 393-7, Herbert 1789, Darlow & Moule 1131.
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: This small volume contains four translations of the book of Ecclesiastes. The first is the Authorized King James Version. The other three are from members of one un-named family. The father produced the translation from the Septuagint and two daughters produced the translations from the Hebrew and Latin.