Benziger Brothers Octavo

Title New American Catholic Edition / The Holy Bible / Old Testament / Douay Version, with Psalms from / the New Latin Version Authorized by / Pope Pius XII / The New Testament / Confraternity Edition / with the Encyclical Letter "On the Study of the Holy / Scriptures" by Pope Leo XIII; also a Presentation of the / Essence of the Encyclical Letter "On Biblical Studies" / by Pope Pius XII; and a Preface by Rev. William H. / McClellan, S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland / Also an Appendix containing an Historical and / Chronological Index, a Table of References and Maps / Benziger Brothers, Inc. / New York Boston Cincinnati Chicago San Francisco
Date Title page undated; Imprimatur dated 1952.
Publisher Benziger Brothers, Inc., New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for the Psalms in the New Latin Version and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.


Title New American Catholic Edition / The Holy Bible / Confraternity - Douay Version / with the New Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Transla- / tion for the Books of Genesis to Ruth and the Books of Job / to Sirach and for the Entire New Testament / with the Pronouncements of Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius XII / on the Study of the Scriptures / Historical and Chronological Index / a Table of References and Maps / Benziger Brothers, Inc. / New York Boston Cincinnati Chicago San Francisco
Date Title page undated; copyright dated 1958.
Publisher Benziger Brothers, Inc., New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments This edition includes the first two instalments of the new Confraternity Old Testament version.

Title New American Catholic Edition / The Holy Bible / The Old Testament is the New Confraternity / of Christian Doctrine Translation for the Books of / Genesis to Ruth and the Books of Job to Sirach; / the Remaining Books are the Douay Version. / the New Testament Is the Confraternity of / Christian Doctrine Translation / with the Pronouncements of Pope Leo XIII / and Pope Pius XII on the Study of the Scriptures / Historical and Chronological Index / a Table of References and Maps / Benziger Brothers, Inc. / Printers to the Holy Apostolic See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites / New York Boston Cincinnati Chicago San Francisco
Date Title page undated; copyright dated 1958.
Publisher Benziger Brothers, Inc., New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments This edition includes the first two instalments of the new Confraternity Old Testament version and has a new title page format.

Title New American Catholic Edition / The Holy Bible / The Old Testament is the New Confraternity of / Christian Doctrine Translation for the Books of Genesis / to Ruth, Job to Sirach and the Prophetical books; / the Remaining Books are the Douay Version. / the New Testament Is the Confraternity / of Christian Doctrine Translation / with the Pronouncements of Pope Leo XIII / and Pope Pius XII on the Study of the Scriptures / Historical and Chronological Index / a Table of References and Maps / Benziger Brothers, Inc. / Printers to the Holy Apostolic See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites / New York Boston Cincinnati Chicago San Francisco [Union Label]
Date Title page undated; copyright dated 1958.
Publisher Benziger Brothers, Inc., New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco.
Contents The Old Testament in the Douay Version as revised by Challoner except for Genesis through Ruth and Job through Sirach and the New Testament in the Rheims Version as revised by Challoner and later by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Comments This edition includes the first three instalments of the new Confraternity Old Testament version and adds a union label to the publisher imprint.


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