New Testament
Title: The 1st Century Aramaic Bible – The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English / The Aramaic – English Interlinear New Testament
(An American Translation of the Aramaic New Testament) • Translated by Rev. Glenn David Bauscher
(with abundant documentation of the Aramaic N. T. text as the original)
Editor: Timothy Mitchell, New South Wales, Australia
Date: ⓒ 2007
Publisher: Raleigh NC (U.S.A.): Lulu Publishing
Contents: New Testament in traditional canon. – Introduction; Philosophy of Translation. Introduction to the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, The Nature of the Crawford Manuscript. – Notes to NT Books. NT Appendix.
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 9115
Images: Cover, Title page
Comments: Hardcover large octavo with dustjacket; 494 pp. Scripture text in double column; Gospel text from p. 16; Notes on the New Testament start with p. 286 and enclose 208 pp. Constant comparison is made between the Greek, the Ashuri, the Estrengela and the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The following Appendix deals with the „Pericope de Adultera“ from a 1905 Syriac Peshitta New Testament and with the alphanumeric system of the Hebrew/ Aramaic alphabet.
Bauscher´s tenor is the assertion that the Greek Koiné was penned from the Aramaic original as all the first Jewish believers – like Josephus – spoke Aramaic and not Greek; also Paul of Tarsus in his Jewish community in Minor Asia. He maintains, »It makes no sense whatever to suppose the original Gospels were written in Greek. The first Christian churches were established by Jewish disciples and converts of the Messiah Yeshua in Israel, Samaria (…), all of which were inhabited by colonies of Jews who had been dispersed there centuries before by the Babylonians (…)«
The question many may ask about this: How much is the concurrency between the Greek and the Aramaic text? Bauscher´s answer: It is about 95%, but the 5% difference is a really interesting, significant and powerful 5% content!
New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs
Title: The 1st Century Aramaic Bible – The Original Aramaic New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs in Plain English /
(An American Translation of the Aramaic New Testament [, Psalms and Proverbs]) • Translated by Rev. Glenn David Bauscher
(with abundant documentation of the Aramaic N. T. text as the original)
Editor: Timothy Mitchell, New South Wales, Australia
Date: ⓒ 2007; 7th edition ⓒ 2012
Publisher: Raleigh NC U.S.A.): Lulu Publishing
Contents: New Testament in traditional canon; Psalms and Proverbs. – Introduction; Philosophy of Translation. Introduction to the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, The Nature of the Crawford Manuscript. – Notes to New Testament Books, on Psalms and on Proverbs. New Testament Appendix.
References: Taliaferro-EELBV 9115
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Hardcover large octavo with DJ; 610 pp. Scripture text in double column; Gospel text from p. 16; Psalms and Proverbs printed verse- wise. Psalms and Proverbs start from p. 286. Notes on the NT, Psalms & Proverbs from p. 383; for further details see New Testament above.
Bauscher´s Note on the Old Testament translation: The Peshitta OT, unlike the Peshitta New Testament, is a translation of the original Hebrew Bible. What is especially interesting and valuable about the Peshitta Old Testament is that it is the oldest Semitic version of the complete Old Testament extant. It is commonly believed by scholars to be a 2nd century AD translation.