Banfield, R. B.

Title: The New Covenant ◆ Reference Edition. [By] R. B. Banfield, editor
Date: ⓒ 1995 [by] R. B. Banfield
Publisher: No place given, originated in (U.S.A.): None given, (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform)
Contents: New Covenant. Appendix: "Notes about this translation"
Images: Cover, Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden. Germany
Comments: Softcover large octavo; adhesive binding; 458 pp.
Scripture text in single column verse–wise, chapter and verse numbering in the outer margins. OT quotations printed in italics with references shown in text. No extras.

At the end of the NC Banfield wrote two pages “Notes about this Translation“, wherein he states:
»This translation has been provided in an attempt to negate the superfluity of the overly paraphrased translations, while providing a cleaner prose not widely found in the more formal translations. The main emphasis of this work is the continuity of rendering a word in the original with its closest English equivalent, and keeping to that same word throughout. (…) The next emphasis of this work is in keeping as close as possible to the original style.«
R. B. Banfield inexplicably does not give any information about the Greek text he used. Examining the text reveals that he obviously used the “critical“ Novum Testamentum Graece by the UBS, not the “Textus receptus“ or the “Majority Text“. Proof is that Mat. 17:21 and Rom. 16:24 e.g. are not inserted; on the other hand the longer ending of Mark (16:9–20) is presented without brackets; the story of the unfaithful woman, traditionally located in John 7:53 – 8:11, is moved between Mat. 22:22 and 22:23.

This is a computer generated New Testament Book. It does not breathe the flair of a Bible book one loves to read, but there are other ones of inferior printing quality.

Note: There‘s another edition of the same New Covenant without verse numbering and references. It is also available in digitized e-book format.


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