Ancient Faith Psalter

Monks of the Orthodox Church

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The Ancient Faith Psalter


Title: The Ancient Faith Psalter • [Anonymously] Translated by Monks of the Orthodox Church
Date: ⓒ 2016
Publisher: Chesterton IN (U.S.A.): Ancient Faith Publishing. A Division of Ancient Faith Ministries
Contents: Psalms 1 to 150 divided into 20 Kathismata. - Introduction
Images: cover, title
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv–Birnbaum ( Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany
Comments: Paperback; small–8°, adhesive binding; 276 & (4) pp. Scripture text, divided into 20 Kathismata; in single column, no versification. Chapter numbering after the Hebrew, LXX in (brackets), printed red. No extras. Introduction comprises 5 pp, not dated. –– As to the translation, we read,

»The text is based on an English translation of the Masoretic Hebrew text corrected to the Septuagint and other ancient witnesses (Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.) (…) The text was also corrected to conform to the liturgical use of the Orthodox Church. Finally, the text was corrected for readability. The goal is a text that is faithful, majestic, and easy to understand when read or chanted aloud.«
In "About this edition“ it is said,
»This edition of the Psalter is intended for prayer (either at home or in church) rather than for reference«. Footnote: "For reference purposes, we recommend the Book of Psalms found in the Orthodox Study Bible."


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