Carey A. Moore - Anchor Bible

This is part of the Anchor Bible Translation and Commentary.



Title: The Anchor Bible. Esther A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: Copyright 1971 (Fourth Printing 1981)
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Esther (Anchor Bible Volume 7B)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 231-10
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Tobit A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary Carey A. Moore
Date: 1996
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Tobit (Anchor Bible Volume 40A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Judith A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: 1985
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Judith (Anchor Bible Volume 40)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 501-1
Images: Jacket, Title page

Additions to Daniel, Esther, & Jeremiah


Title: The Anchor Bible Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: Copyright 1977
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Additions to Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah (found in the Apocrypha) (Anchor Bible Volume 44)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 497-2, 498-3, 503-7
Images: Jacket, Title page

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