Title: The Anchor Bible. Psalms I (1-50) A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Mitchell Dahood
Date: 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (1-50) (Anchor Bible Volume 16)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Title page
Title: Psalms II 51-100 Introduction Translation and Notes by Mitchell Dahood, S.J.
Date: 1973
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (51-100) (Anchor Bible Volume 17)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page
Title: Psalms III 101-150 Introduction Translation and Notes with an appendix The Grammar of the Psalter by Mitchell Dahood, S.J.
Date: 1970
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (101-150) (Anchor Bible Volume 17A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page