Anchor Bible

Old Testament



Title: The Anchor Bible. Genesis Introduction, Translation, and Notes by E. A. Speiser
Date: 1964
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc: Garden City, NY
Contents: Genesis (Anchor Bible Volume 1)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 200-7
Images: Jacket, Title page








Title: Judges • A New Translation / Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Robert G. Boling
♢ The Anchor Bible Vol. 6A
Date: 1975
Publisher: Garden City, NY (U.S.A.): Doubleday & Company
Contents: Judges •• Preface • Contents • List of Illustrations • Principal Abbreviations • Glossary of Terms • List of Ancient Near Eastern Texts • Chronology • Introduction •• Appendices A, B • Indices: Place and Personal Names in the Text / Subjects / Biblical References / Key to the Text.
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 220-6.
Images: Title page
Location: Bibelarchiv Birnbaum. Karlsruhe/ Baden, Germany.
Comment: Hardcover large octavo w/ DJ; sewn binding; XXII & 338 pp.

Robert Gordon Boling (* 1930 † Dec. 12, 1994 nr. Aqaba (Jordan))



Title: The Anchor Bible Ruth A New Translation with Introduction, Notes, and Commentary by Edward F. Campbell, Jr.
Date: 1975 (Fifth printing 1980)
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc: Garden City, NY
Contents: Ruth (Anchor Bible Volume 7)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 223-5
Images: Jacket, Title page

1 Samuel


Title: The Anchor Bible I Samuel A New Translation with Introduction, Notes & Commentary by P. Kyle McCarter, Jr.
Date: 1980
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: I Samuel (Anchor Bible Volume 8)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 225-4
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page

2 Samuel


Title: The Anchor Bible II Samuel A New Translation with Introduction, Notes and Commentary by P. Kyle McCarter, Jr.
Date: 1984
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: II Samuel (Anchor Bible Volume 9)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 225-4
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles


Title: The Anchor Bible I Chronicles Introduction, Translation and Notes by Jacob M. Myers
Date: 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: I Chronicles (Anchor Bible Volume 12)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 227-8.
Images: Title page

2 Chronicles


Title: The Anchor Bible II Chronicles Introduction, Translation and Notes by Jacob M. Myers
Date: 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: II Chronicles (Anchor Bible Volume 13)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 227-9.
Images: Jacket, Title page

Ezra, Nehemiah


Title: The Anchor Bible. Ezra - Nehemiah Introduction, Translation, and Notes by Jacob M. Myers
Date: 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Ezra, Nehemiah (Anchor Bible Volume 14)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 228-10
Images: Cover, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Esther A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: Copyright 1971 (Fourth Printing 1981)
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Esther (Anchor Bible Volume 7B)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 231-10
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Job A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Marvin H. Pope
Date: 1973
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Job (Anchor Bible Volume 15)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 265-4
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Psalms I (1-50) A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Mitchell Dahood
Date: 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (1-50) (Anchor Bible Volume 16)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Title page


Title: Psalms II 51-100 Introduction Translation and Notes by Mitchell Dahood, S.J.
Date: 1973
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (51-100) (Anchor Bible Volume 17)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page


Title: Psalms III 101-150 Introduction Translation and Notes with an appendix The Grammar of the Psalter by Mitchell Dahood, S.J.
Date: 1970
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Psalms (101-150) (Anchor Bible Volume 17A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 340-1
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes


Title: The Anchor Bible. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by R.B.Y. Scott
Date: First edition, 1965. • Second edition, 1974. Twelfth printing 1987
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes (Anchor Bible Volume 18)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 389-7
Images: Jacket, Title page
Comment: Hardcover large octavo w/ DJ; sewn binding; LIV & 258 pp. The brief Foreword by R. B. Y. Scott is [un–]dated Princeton, New Jersey.

Robert Balgarnie Young Scott (* Toronto Ont. (Canada) July 16, 1899 † Nov. 1, 1987 ibid.) was a clergyman of the United Church of Canada and an Old Testament scholar.

Song of Solomon


Title: The Anchor Bible. Song of Songs A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Marvin H. Pope
Date: 1977
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Song of Songs also called Song of Solomon (Anchor Bible Volume 7C)
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Spine, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Second Isaiah Introduction, Translation, and Notes by John L. McKenzie
Date: 1968
Publisher: Doubleday, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland
Contents: Isaiah 34-35, 40-66 (Anchor Bible Volume 20)
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Jeremiah A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by John Bright
Date: Copyright 1965
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Jeremiah (Anchor Bible Volume 21)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 456-10
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Lamentations Introduction, Translation, and Notes by Delbert R. Hillers
Date: 1972
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc: Garden City, NY
Contents: Lamentations (Anchor Bible Volume 7A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 461-1
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Ezekiel 1-20 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Moshe Greenberg
Date: 1983 (first edition)
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Ezekiel chapters 1-20 (Anchor Bible Volume 22)
References: Chamberlin see 47-1
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. The Book of Daniel A New Translation with Notes and Commentary on Chapters 1-9 by +Louis F. Hartman, C.SS.R. Introduction, and Commentary on Chapters 10-12 by Alexander A. Di Lella, O.F.M.
Date: 1978
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Daniel (Anchor Bible Volume 23)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 468-8.
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible Hosea A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman
Date: 1980
Publisher: Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Garden City, New York
Contents: Hosea (Volume 24)
References: Chamberlin 479-1
Images: Title page










Title: The Anchor Bible Zephaniah A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary Adele Berlin
Date: 1994 (first edition)
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Zepheniah
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Title page

Haggai and Zechariah


Title: The Anchor Bible. Haggai, Zecheriah 1-8 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carol L. Meyers and Eric M. Meyers
Date: 1987
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 (Anchor Bible Volume 25B)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 476-7, 490-8, 492-1
Images: Jacket, Spine, Title page


New Testament



Title: The Anchor Bible. Matthew Introduction, Translation, and Notes by W. F. Albright and C. S. Mann
Date: 1971
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Matthew (Anchor Bible Volume 26)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 667-3
Images: Cover, Title page





Title: The Anchor Bible. The Gospel according to John I-XII. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Raymond E. Brown.
Date: 1966
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: John 1-12 (Anchor Bible Volume 29)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 689-1
Images: Cover, Title page


Title: The Anchor Bible. The Gospel according to John XIII-XXI. A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Raymond E. Brown.
Date: 1970
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: John 13-21 (Anchor Bible Volume 29A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 690-2
Images: Cover, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. The Acts of the Apostles Introduction, Translation, and Notes by Johannes Munck
Date: 1967
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Acts (Anchor Bible Volume 31)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 696-6
Images: Cover, Title page


1 Corinthians


Title: The Anchor Bible I Corinthians A New Translation Introduction with a Study of the Life of Paul, Notes, and Commentary by William F. Orr and James Arthur Walther
Date: 1976
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: First Corinthians (Anchor Bible Volume 32)
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Jacket, Title page

2 Corinthians


Title: The Anchor Bible II Corinthians Translated with Introduction, Notes, and Commentary by Victor Paul Furnish
Date: Copyright 1984. Second printing 1985.
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: II Corinthians (Anchor Bible Volume 32A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1.
Images: Jacket, Title page




Title: The Anchor Bible. Ephesians 1-3 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Markus Barth
Date: 1974
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Ephesians 1-3 (Anchor Bible Volume 34)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 749-1
Images: Cover, Title page


Title: The Anchor Bible. Ephesians 4-6 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Markus Barth
Date: 1974
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Ephesians 4-6 (Anchor Bible Volume 34A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 749-2
Images: Cover, Title page



Letters to the Thessalonians

First and Second Letters to Timothy

Letter to Titus

Letter to Philemon



Title: The Anchor Bible. To The Hebrews A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by George Wesley Buchanan
Date: 1976
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Hebrews (Anchor Bible Volume 36)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 772-7
Images: Cover, Title page

The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude


Title: The Anchor Bible. The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude Introduction, Translation and Notes by Bo Reicke
Date: Copyright 1964
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: James, 1 & 2 Peter, Jude (Anchor Bible Volume 37)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 707-1, 776-3, 778-3, 783-8
Images: Title page

Letter of James

1 Peter

2 Peter and Jude


Title: The Anchor Bible 2 Peter, Jude A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary Jerome H. Neyrey Volume 37C. The Anchor Bible Doubleday: New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland.
Date: 1993
Publisher: Doubleday: New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland
Contents: Hosea (Volume 37C)
Images: Jacket, Title page

The Epistles of John



Title: The Anchor Bible. Revelation A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by J. Massyngberde Ford
Date: 1975
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Revelation (Anchor Bible Volume 38)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 806-1
Images: Cover, Title page


Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions


Title: The Anchor Bible Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: Copyright 1977
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Additions to Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah (found in the Apocrypha) (Anchor Bible Volume 44)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 497-2, 498-3, 503-7
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Tobit A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary Carey A. Moore
Date: 1996
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Tobit (Anchor Bible Volume 40A)
References: Chamberlin 47-1
Images: Jacket, Title page



Title: The Anchor Bible. Judith A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Carey A. Moore
Date: 1985
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: Judith (Anchor Bible Volume 40)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 501-1
Images: Jacket, Title page

The Wisdom of Solomon


Title: The Anchor Bible The Wisdom of Solomon / A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary / by David Winston / Anchor Bible Vol. 43
Date: 1979
Publisher: Garden City NY (U.S.A): Doubleday & Company
Contents: Wisdom of Solomon •• The Apocrypha • Preface • Contents • Principal Abbreviations • Introduction •• Index of Ancient Authors • Index of Subjects • Index of Scriptural References • Index of Pseudepicraphica, Qumran, and Rabbinic Literature • Key to the Text.
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 506-6.
Images: cover and Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany.
Comments: Hard cover, large octavo, sewn binding, DJ. XXIV & 360 pp.; translation & notes start w/ p. 97 through 332.
Source text: Göttinger Septuagint, by Josef Ziegler, 1962

Wisdom of Ben Sira


Title: The Wisdom of Ben Sira / A New Translation with Notes / By †Patrick W. Skehan / / Introduction and Commentary / by Alexander A. Di Lella, O. F. M.
♢ Anchor Bible Vol. 39
Date: 1987 – First Edition
Imprimatur: Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) 1986
Publisher: New York NY (U.S.A): Doubleday & Company
Contents: Wisdom of Ben Sira •• The Apocrypha • Preface • Contents • Principal Abbreviations • Introduction •• Index of Authors • Index of Subjects.
Images: Cover and Title page
Location: Collection Bibelarchiv Birnbaum, Karlsruhe, Baden. Germany.
Comments: Hard cover large octavo with DJ; sewn binding. XXIV & 624 pp; translation & notes start w/ p. 129 through 580.
The translation is a revised adaption of P. Skehan´s unfinished version, which he originally had prepared for the New American Bible.
Source texts: All availbale Hebrew and Greek Witnesses, Göttinger Septuagint; Old Latin, Syriac.

The Franciscan Father Alexander A. Di Lella wrote the 3-page Preface, dated Washington D. C., Feast of Jerome, September 30, 1985. There he tells the history of the Translation done by Prof. Patrick W. Skehan. Skehan had finished it shortly before his illness which eventually lead to his death a few days short of his 71st birthday on Sept. 9th same year. Skehan beforehand had asked Di Lella to prepare the introduction and commentary.

Patrick W. Skehan (* New York NY (U.S.A.) Sept 30, 1909 † Sep 9, 1980 Washington D.C. (U.S.A.)
Alexander A. Di Lella (* … CT (U.S.A.) 1924) Father O.F.M.

1 and 2 Esdras


Title: The Anchor Bible. I and II Esdras Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Jacob M. Myers
Date: 1974
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: I and II Esdras (Anchor Bible Volume 42)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 500-1
Images: Cover, Title

1 Maccabees


Title: The Anchor Bible. I Maccabees A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Jonathan A. Goldstein
Date: 1977, [1976]
Publisher: Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City, NY
Contents: I Maccabees (Anchor Bible Volume 41)
References: Chamberlin 47-1, 503-1
Images: Jacket, Title page

2 Maccabees


The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries are currently available from the Yale University Press. The information below was taken from their website and may differ from the information given above. Also, some volumes from the original Anchor Bible series have been replaced by new or revised volumes.

Contents Translator Date Volume
Genesis E.A. Speiser 1963 1
Exodus 1-18 H.C. Propp 1999 2
Exodus 19-40 H.C. Propp 2006 2A
Leviticus 1-16 Jacob Milgrom 1998 3
Leviticus 17-22 Jacob Milgrom 2000 3A
Leviticus 23-27 Jacob Milgrom 2001 3B
Numbers 1-20 Baruch A. Levine 1993 4
Numbers 21-36 Baruch A. Levine 2000 4A
Deuteronomy 1-11 Moshe Weinfeld 1995 5
Joshua Robert G. Boling 1995 6
Judges Robert G. Boling 2005 6A
Ruth Edward F. Campbell, Jr. 2003 7
1 Samuel P. Kyle McCarter, Jr. 1995 8
2 Samuel P. Kyle McCarter, Jr. 1984 9
1 Kings Mordechai Cogan 2001 10
2 Kings Mordechai Cogan and Hayim Tadmor 2008 11
1 Chronicles 1-9 Gary N. Knoppers 2004 12
1 Chronicles 10-29 Gary N. Knoppers 2004 12A
2 Chronicles Jacob M. Myers 1995 13
Ezra & Nehemiah Jacob M. Myers 1995 14
Esther Carey A. Moore 1995 7B
Job Marvin H. Pope 1965 15
Psalms 1-50 Mitchell Dahood, S.J. 1995 16
Psalms 51-100 Mitchell Dahood, S.J. 1995 17
Psalms 101-150 Mitchell Dahood, S.J. 1970 17A
Proverbs 1-9 Michael V. Fox 2000 18
Proverbs 10-31 Michael V. Fox 2009 18B
Ecclesiastes Choon-Leong Seow 1997 18C
Song of Solomon Marvin H. Pope 1995 7C
Isaiah 1-39 Joseph Blenkinsopp 2000 19
Isaiah 40-55 Joseph Blenkinsopp 2002 19A
Isaiah 56-66 Joseph Blenkinsopp 2003 19B
Second Isaiah John L. McKenzie 1969 20
Jeremiah 1-20 Jack R. Lundbom 1999 21A
Jeremiah 21-36 Jack R. Lundbom 2004 21B
Jeremiah 37-52 Jack R. Lundbom 2004 21C
Lamentations Delbert R. Hillers 1972 7A
Ezekiel 1-20 Moshe Greenberg 1983 22
Ezekiel 21-37 Moshe Greenberg 1995 22A
Daniel Ch. 1-9 by Louis F. Hartman, Ch. 10-12 by Alexander A. Di Lella 2005 23
Hosea Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman 1996 24
Joel James L. Crenshaw 2007 24C
Amos Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman 1989 24A
Obadiah Paul R. Raabe 1996 24D
Jonah Jack M. Sasson 1995 24B
Micah Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman 2006 24E
Nahum Duane L. Christensen 2009
Habakkuk Francis I. Andersen 2001 25
Zepheniah Adele Berlin 1994 25A
Haggai & Zechariah 1-8 Carol L. Meyers and Eric M. Meyers 1987 25B
Zechariah 9-14 Carol L. Meyers and Eric M. Meyers 1998 25C
Malachi Andrew E. Hill 1998 25D
Matthew W.F. Albright and C.S. Mann 1995 26
Mark 1-8 Joel Marcus 2002 27
Mark 9-16 Joel Marcus 2009 27A
Luke 1-9 Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. 1970 28
Luke 10-24 Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. 1985 28A
John 1-12 Raymond E. Brown 1995 29
John 13-21 Raymond E. Brown 1970 29A
Acts Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. 1998 31
Romans Joseph A. Fitzmyer 1993 33
1 Corinthians Joseph A. Fitzmyer 2008 32
2 Corinthians Victor Paul Furnish 2005 32A
Galatians Joseph A. Fitzmyer 2004 33A
Ephesians 1-3 Markus Barth 2008 34
Ephesians 4-6 Markus Barth 1998 34A
Philippians John Reumann 2008 33B
Colossians Commentary by Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke; Translated by Astrid B. Beck 2005 34B
1 & 2 Thessalonians Abraham J. Malherbe 2004 32B
1 & 2 Timothy Luke Timothy Johnson 2001 35A
Titus Jerome D. Quinn 2005 35
Philemon Joseph A. Fitzmyer 2000 34C
Hebrews Craig R. Koester 2001 36
James Luke Timothy Johnson 2005 37A
1 Peter John H. Elliott 2001 37B
2 Peter, Jude Jerome H. Neyrey 1994 37C
1, 2, 3 John Raymond E. Brown 1995 30
Revelation J. Massyngberde Ford 1995 38
Wisdom of Ben Sira Patrick W. Skehan 1995 39
Judith Carey A. Moore 1995 40
Tobit Carey A. Moore 1996 40A
1 Maccabees Jonathan A. Goldstein 1976 41
2 Maccabees Jonathan A. Goldstein 1995 41A
1 & 2 Esdras Jacob M. Myers 1995 42
Wisdom of Solomon David Winston 1979 43
Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah (The Additions) Carey A. Moore 1995 44


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