American Bible Union - First Revision 1862

New Testament - First Revision 1862

This first complete edition of the New Testament is copyright 1862. The first part (Gospels) was printed in 1862 and the second part (Acts-II Corinthians) was printed in 1863 (even though the copyright date is 1862). No separate third part was produced, but the complete New Testament was printed in 1864 (again with an 1862 copyright date). The complete Testament agrees exactly with the earlier two parts down to the exact page layout.

According to the Preface of the 1912 New Testament, the final committee responsible for this version were: Thomas J. Conant, Horatio B. Hackett, and Asahel C. Kendrick. With the greater part of the work probably done by Dr. Conant.

Several printings were produced from 1862 to 1865. In general, they will include a date and press run (such as "Eleventh Thousand") on the title page.

The complete New Testament was produced in several different formats and prices as follows:
Plain Cloth Binding, with Double Ruled Border lines $1.00
Sheep Strong Binding, with Double Ruled Border lines $1.25
Roan Binding, Red Edges, with Double Ruled Border lines $1.50
Roan Binding, Gilt Edges, with Double Ruled Border lines $2.00
Turkey Morocco, Gilt Edges, with Double Ruled Border lines $3.00
Turkey Morocco, Gilt Edges, Clasps and Bands $5.00
Plain Cloth (cheap edition) without Ruled Border lines $0.75

Volume I - Gospels


Title: The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union. New York: American Bible Union. 1863.
Date: 1862
Publisher: American Bible Union: New York
Contents: (Vol I) Gospels
Description: 12mo title,A-2A122B2 (uses 26 letter alphabet for signatures), 138 mm, p. [2b],326.
References: Chamberlin 556-1; Hills 1773, Taliaferro-EELBV 7475.100.
Images: Title_page
Comments: A pdf version of this book is available here.
Comments: A copy of the 1863 (Eleventh Thousand) Gospels sold for $42.89 on December 4, 2011 (eBay item 320802802397).

Volume II - Acts-II Corinthians


Title: The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union. Vol. II. Second Thousand. New York: American Bible Union. 1864.
Date: 1864 (copyright 1862)
Publisher: American Bible Union: New York
Contents: (Vol II) Acts, Romans, I & II Corinthians
Description: 12mo title, 2B*22B*42C-2S12 (uses 26 letter alphabet for signatures), 138 mm, p. iv,327-540.
References: Chamberlin 556-1; Hills 1773, Taliaferro-EELBV 7475.110.
Images: Title_page, Cover

Volumes I & II Published Together

After the publication of Volume 2, the American Bible Union published both parts in a single volume. The title is identical to that of the complete New Testament and does not indicate that this only contains Matthew through 2 Corinthians. The spine, however. reads: "New Testament / I-II / American Bible Union"


Title: The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Common Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union. Eighteenth Thousand. New York: American Bible Union. 1864.
Date: 1864 (copyright 1862)
Publisher: American Bible Union: New York
Contents: Matthew to II Corinthians
Description: 138 mm, p. [2], 540.
References: Chamberlin see 556-1; Hills see 1764 & 1773, Taliaferro-EELBV see 7475.120.
Images: Title page, Spine

Complete New Testament


Title: The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Common Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union. Twenty-Ninth Thousand. New York: American Bible Union. 1864.
Date: 1864 (copyright 1862)
Publisher: American Bible Union: New York
Contents: New Testament
Description: 12mo A-3D123E22Y43H123I43A*23K43B*23L-3O12 (uses 26 letter alphabet for signatures), 140 mm, p. [2], 766.
References: Chamberlin 556-1; Hills 1787, Taliaferro-EELBV 7475.120.
Comments: This edition was produced in 1864 and 1865 only.
Images: 1864 Cheap Edition Title page, 1865 Ruled Edition Title page, 1865 Cheap Edition Title page
Facsimile: A facsimile is available at

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